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59995 DGC provides key sources of information for non-governmental organizations (NGOs) on opportunities to access, participate in and contribute to UN high-level processes and events including briefings during this unprecedented period of lockdown.  GC为非政府组织(NGO)提供了获取信息,参与联合国高层进程和活动以及为联合国高层进程和活动做出贡献的重要信息来源,包括在此空前的封锁期间进行的情况介绍。
59996 Its weekly newsletter reaches some 1,900 organizations globally. 其每周新闻通讯遍及全球约1,900个组织。
59997 The Department has put out a call asking NGOs worldwide to share their stories that highlight how they are contributing to the global response to COVID-19 and how they are using WHO guidelines to inform their activities.  新闻部发出了一个电话,要求世界各地的非政府组织分享他们的故事,重点介绍它们如何为全球对COVID-19的响应做出贡献, 以及他们如何利用WHO准则来指导其活动。
59998 The Department is also encouraging all NGOs to act on science, share solutions and inspire solidarity. 新闻部还鼓励所有非政府组织采取科学行动,分享解决方案并激发团结。
59999 Together with WHO, DGC also launched a global civil society survey about COVID-19 to learn what misinformation, stigma and myths are circulating around the world and threatening the global response. DGC与世界卫生组织(WHO)共同发起了一项有关COVID-19的全球 民间社会调查,以了解世界各地流传着哪些误传,污名和神话,并威胁着全球的反应。
60000 5.Speaking out for rights 5.大声疾呼
60001 Michelle Bachelet, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, recently spoke out against restrictive measures imposed by several States against the independent media, as well as the arrest and intimidation of journalists, saying the free flow information was vital in fighting COVID-19. 联合国人权事务高级专员米歇尔·巴切莱特(Michelle Bachelet)最近大声疾呼,反对几个国家对独立媒体施加的限制性措施,以及对记者的逮捕和恐吓,称自由流动信息对于打击COVID-19至关重要。
60002 “Some States have used the outbreak of the new coronavirus as a pretext to restrict information and stifle criticism,” Bachelet said. 巴切莱特说:一些国家以新的冠状病毒的爆发为借口,限制了信息并扼杀批评。
60003 A free media is always essential, but we have never depended on it more than we do during this pandemic, when so many people are isolated and fearing for their health and livelihoods.” 自由媒体永远是必不可少的,但我们比以往任何时候都更依赖于这种流行病。在这种流行病中,许多人被孤立,并担心他们的健康和生计。
60004 “Credible, accurate reporting is a lifeline for all of us,” said the UN human rights chief, 联合国人权事务负责人说:可靠,准确的报道是我们所有人的命脉。