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60035 Almost 300,000 people worldwide are reported to have died of coronavirus, and more than 4.3m cases recorded. 全世界报告的新冠肺炎死亡病例已近30万,记录在案的病例超过430万例。
60036 "It is important to put this on the table: this virus may become just another endemic virus in our communities, and this virus may never go away," Dr Ryan told the virtual press conference from Geneva. 莱恩博士在日内瓦的线上新闻发布会上对记者说:“把这个事实 摆到台面上来说很重要:新冠病毒可能会成为人类社会中的又一个常见病毒,而且这个病毒可能永远不会消失。”
60037 Dr Ryan then said he doesn't believe "anyone can predict when this disease will disappear". 莱恩博士接着表示他不认为“有人可以预测出新冠病毒何时消失”。
60038 There are currently more than 100 potential vaccines in development - but Dr Ryan noted there are other illnesses, such as measles, that still haven't been eliminated despite there being vaccines for them. 目前有100多种潜在疫苗正在研发中,但莱恩博士指出,有一些其他疾病,比如麻疹,尽管有疫苗,但却没有被消灭。
60039 WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus stressed it was still possible to control the virus, with effort. 世界卫生组织总干事谭德塞强调,只要努力,病毒还是可能被控制住的。
60040 "The trajectory is in our hands, and it's everybody's business, and we should all contribute to stop this pandemic," he said. 他说:“病毒的发展轨迹就掌握在我们手中,而且与每个人息息 相关,我们都应该为阻止疫情蔓延出一份力。”
60041 WHO epidemiologist Maria van Kerkhove also told the briefing: "We need to get into the mindset that it is going to take some time to come out of this pandemic." 世界卫生组织的流行病学家玛丽亚·凡·科克霍夫也在情况通报会上说:“我们需要调整心态,意识到这场大流行病将需要相 当长的一段时间才会过去。”
60042 Their stark remarks come as several countries began to gradually ease lockdown measures, and leaders consider the issue of how and when to reopen their economies. 在他们发表这些直白的言论之时,几个国家正开始逐渐放松封锁措施,一些国家的领导人考虑如何以及何时重新开放经济。
60043 Dr Tedros warned that there was no guaranteed way of easing restrictions without triggering a second wave of infections. 谭德塞博士警告说,没有哪种放宽限制的方式可以保证不引发第二波感染高峰。
60044 "Many countries would like to get out of the different measures," the WHO boss said. "But our recommendation is still the alert at any country should be at the highest level possible. 谭德塞说:“许多国家希望摆脱各种限制措施,但我们仍然建议 建议各国应保持尽可能高的警戒水平。”