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60045 Dr Ryan added: "There is some magical thinking going on that lockdowns work perfectly and that unlocking lockdowns will go great. 莱恩博士补充道:“有些神奇的想法认为封锁效果很好,解除封 锁也会很顺利。
60046 Both are fraught with dangers." 但这两种想法都充满危险。”
60047 While colleges across the country are still on the fence about opening their campuses to students, most are preparing for a drop in the number of international students, according to a new study. 最新研究显示,尽管美国各地的大学仍在犹豫是否开学,但多数大学都在为国际学生数量下降做准备。
60048 The Institute of International Education (IIE), which tracks data on college students, on Thursday released the results of a survey it conducted with 599 colleges and universities in all 50 states about their plans for the summer and fall semesters in light of the coronavirus pandemic. 美国国际教育协会对全美50个州的599所大学开展了一项调查,询问其鉴于目前的新冠疫情,夏季和秋季的开学计划,并在本周四(5月14日)公布了调查报告。该协会对大学生的数据进行跟踪调查。
60049 Mirka Martel, the report's author, noted that 74% of respondents said they don't know if they will continue their study abroad programs in the fall but 70% said they anticipate that at least some international students won't able to come to their campus for that semester. 报告的作者米尔卡·马特尔指出,74%的高校表示不确定秋季是 否会继续开展海外学习项目,但70%的受访高校预计部分留学生 在秋季学期开始后不会返校。
60050 The surveyed campuses taught 519,000 international students during the 2018-2019 academic year, which was approximately 47% of the US's total international student population, according to IIE. 根据该协会的数据,接受调查的高校中2018至2019学年约有51.9万名留学生,约占美国留学生总数的47%。
60051 Martel noted that because of the pandemic, academic institutions had to scale back their recruitment efforts abroad. 马特尔称,由于新冠肺炎疫情,学术机构不得不减少海外招生工作。
60052 Roughly 78% of the schools switched to virtual recruitment methods, such as online information sessions and phone calls with prospective students, 大约78%的高校转而采取虚拟招生方式,比如与意向学生的网络 会议和电话面试等。
60053 and many took actions to waive certain costs, such as application fees, the report said. 报告称,许多高校采取行动免除申请费等某些费用。
60054 Martel said college administrators are concerned about their budgets as the number of international students dwindles. 马特尔说,随着国际学生数量的减少,大学管理人员担心学校的预算。