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60055 "They are thinking about internationalization moving forward and how international education may change and evolve post COVID‐19," she said. 她说:“高校正在考虑如何推动国际化,以及在新冠肺炎疫情过 后国际教育将发生何种变化。”
60056 The report added that the schools are turning to alternative options to help students who are still interested in attending their classes. 报告还指出,这些高校正在转向其他选择,以帮助那些对入读仍然感兴趣的学生。
60057 About three-quarters of the respondents said they would offer students the option of deferring their enrollment to the fall of 2021. 约四分之三的受访高校表示,学生可以选择推迟至2021年秋季学期入学。
60058 Colleges are still figuring out how many classes will be taught online and what offerings will be available in the fall. 各所高校仍在研究有多少课程将在网上教授,以及秋季学期将会有什么课程安排。
60059 "As a result, 52% of reported institutions indicate that they plan to offer students online enrollment in the fall, 报告称:“因此,52%的受访高校表示,计划在秋季为学生提供 在线入学登记。
60060 whereas 42% indicate that they will offer online instruction until the student can come to campus in‐person," the report said. 而42%的受访高校表示,他们将提供网络教学,直到学生能够亲 自来到校园。”
60061 All over the world, the COVID-19 pandemic is causing significant loss of life, disrupting livelihoods, and threatening the recent advances in health and progress towards global development goals highlighted in the 2020 World Health Statistics published by the World Health Organization (WHO) today. 世界卫生组织(世卫组织)今天发布的《2020年世界卫生统计》强调了最近在卫生领域以及全球发展目标方面取得的进展。然而,COVID-19大流行现正在世界各地造成重大生命损失,破坏人们的生计,使迄今取得的进展受到威胁。
60062 “The good news is that people around the world are living longer and healthier lives. 世卫组织总干事谭德塞博士说:“好消息是,世界各地的人们正在日益健康长寿。
60063 The bad news is the rate of progress is too slow to meet the Sustainable Development Goals and will be further thrown off track by COVID-19,” said Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO Director-General. 而坏消息是进展速度太慢,无法实现可持续发展目标,并且可能因COVID-19而进一步偏离轨道”。
60064 “The pandemic highlights the urgent need for all countries to invest in strong health systems and primary health care, as the best defense against outbreaks like COVID-19, and against the many other health threats that people around the world face every day. “这一大流行病突出表明,所有国家都迫切需要投资建设强大的卫生系统和初级卫生保健服务,这是抵御COVID-19等疫情以及世界各地人们每天面临的许多其他健康威胁的最佳手段。