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60065 Health systems and health security are two sides of the same coin.” 卫生系统和卫生安全是密不可分的两方面”。
60066 WHO’s World Health Statistics an annual check-up on the world’s health reports progress against a series of key health and health service indicators, revealing some important lessons in terms of progress made towards the Sustainable Development Goals and gaps to fill. 世卫组织编制的《世界卫生统计》是对世界卫生状况的年度检查,它对照一系列关键的健康和卫生服务指标报告进展情况,并通过可持续发展目标的实现进展和需要弥补的差距揭示一些重要的经验教训。
60067 Life expectancy and healthy life expectancy have increased, but unequally. 预期寿命和健康预期寿命有所增加,但并不均衡。
60068 The biggest gains were reported in low-income countries, which saw life expectancy rise 21% or 11 years between 2000 and 2016 (compared with an increase of 4% or 3 years in higher income countries). 据报告,这方面进展最大的是低收入国家,2000年至2016年期间,这些国家的预期寿命提高了21%,即11岁(相比之下,高收入国家的预期寿命仅提高了4%,即3岁)。
60069 One driver of progress in lower-income countries was improved access to services to prevent and treat HIV, malaria and tuberculosis, as well as a number of neglected tropical diseases such as guinea worm. 推动低收入国家取得进展的一个因素是扩大了对艾滋病、疟疾和结核病以及一些被忽视的热带病(如几内亚线虫病)的预防和治疗服务的获取机会。
60070 Another was better maternal and child healthcare, which led to a halving of child mortality between 2000 and 2018. 另一个因素是改善了妇幼卫生保健,致使2000年至2018年期间儿童死亡率降低了一半。
60071 But in a number of areas, progress has been stalling. 但在许多领域,进展一直停滞不前。
60072 Immunization coverage has barely increased in recent years, and there are fears that malaria gains may be reversed. 近年来,免疫覆盖率几乎没有提高,令人担心疟疾防治方面进展可能会逆转。
60073 And there is an overall shortage of services within and outside the health system to prevent and treat noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) such as cancer, diabetes, heart and lung disease, and stroke. 而且卫生系统内外在预防和治疗癌症、糖尿病、心肺疾病和中风等非传染性疾病方面服务全面不足。
60074 In 2016, 71 per cent of all deaths worldwide were attributable to NCDs, with the majority of the 15 million premature deaths (85%) occurring in low and middle-income countries. 2016年,全世界71%的死亡可归因于非传染性疾病,1500万例过早死亡中大多数(85%)发生在低收入和中等收入国家。