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60075 This uneven progress broadly mirrors inequalities in access to quality health services. 这种不均衡的进展大体可反映出获得优质卫生服务方面的不平等。
60076 Only between one third and one half the world’s population was able to obtain essential health services in 2017. 2017年,只有三分之一至一半世界人口能够获得基本卫生服务。
60077 Service coverage in low- and middle-income countries remains well below coverage in wealthier ones; as do health workforce densities. 低收入和中等收入国家的服务覆盖范围与卫生人力密度一样都仍然远远低于富裕国家。
60078 In more than 40% of all countries, there are fewer than 10 medical doctors per 10 000 people. 40%多的国家每万人口中只有不到10名医生。
60079 Over 55% of countries have fewer than 40 nursing and midwifery personnel per 10 000 people.  55%以上的国家每万人口拥有不到40名护理和助产人员。
60080 The inability to pay for healthcare is another major challenge for many. 无力支付医疗费用是许多人面临的另一项重大挑战。
60081 On current trends, WHO estimates that this year, 2020, approximately 1 billion people (almost 13 per cent of the global population) will be spending at least 10% of their household budgets on health care. 根据目前趋势,世卫组织估计,今年,即2020年,将有近10亿人(几乎占全球人口的13%)会把至少10%的家庭预算用于卫生保健。
60082 The majority of these people live in lower middle-income countries. 这些人大多数生活在中等偏下收入国家。
60083 “The COVID-19 pandemic highlights the need to protect people from health emergencies, 世卫组织助理总干事Samira Asma博士说:“COVID-19大流行突出表明,必须保护人们免受突发卫生事件的影响,
60084 as well as to promote universal health coverage and healthier populations to keep people from needing health services through multisecotral interventions like improving basic hygiene and sanitation,” said Dr Samira Asma, Assistant Director General at WHO. 而且要通过多部门干预措施,如改善基本的个人卫生和环境卫生等,来促进全民健康覆盖并改善人口健康,减少人们对卫生服务的需求”。