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60085 In 2017, more than half (55%) of the global population was estimated to lack access to safely-managed sanitation services, and more than one quarter (29%) lacked safely-managed drinking water. 2017年,估计全球一半以上人口(55%)缺乏得到安全管理的环境卫生服务,四分之一以上人口(29%)缺乏得到安全管理的饮用水。
60086 In the same year, two in five households globally (40%) lacked basic handwashing facilities with soap and water in their home.  同年,全球五分之二的家庭(40%)缺乏基本洗手设施,家中没有肥皂和水。
60087 The World Health Statistics also highlight the need for stronger data and health information systems. 《世界卫生统计》还强调需要更可靠的数据和卫生信息系统。
60088 Uneven capacities to collect and use accurate, timely, and comparable health statistics, undermining countries’ ability to understand population health trends, develop appropriate policies, allocate resources and prioritize interventions.  收集和使用准确、及时且可比的卫生统计数据的能力参差不齐,削弱了低收入国家在了解人口健康趋势、制定适当政策、分配资源和注重干预方面的能力。
60089 For almost a fifth of countries, over half of the key indicators have no recent primary or direct underlying data, another major challenge in enabling countries to prepare for, prevent and respond to health emergencies such as the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. 对于近五分之一的国家而言,半数以上关键指标不具备最新的原始或直接基础数据,这是影响国家防范、预防和应对突发卫生事件(如当前的COVID-19大流行)的另一个重大挑战。
60090 WHO is therefore supporting countries in strengthening surveillance and data and health information systems so they can measure their status and manage improvements.   因此,世卫组织正在支持各国加强监测系统以及数据和卫生信息系统,使其能够衡量自身状况并设法做出改进。
60091 “The message from this report is clear: as the world battles the most serious pandemic in 100 years, just a decade away from the SDG deadline, Asma补充指出:“这份报告传达了明确的信息:世界现在正与百年来最严重的大流行病作斗争,而此时距离实现可持续发展目标的最后期限仅剩下10年时间,
60092 we must act together to strengthen primary health care and focus on the most vulnerable among us in order to eliminate the gross inequalities that dictate who lives a long, healthy life and who doesn’t,” added Asma. 我们必须一起采取行动,加强初级卫生保健,关注我们当中最脆弱的人群,以消除影响人们健康长寿的严重不平等现象。
60093 “We will only succeed in doing this by helping countries to improve their data and health information systems.”  要成功做到这一点,就必须帮助各国改善其数据和卫生信息系统”。
60094 The District of Columbia, seat of the US federal government, extended its stay-at-home order through June 8, the mayor said on Wednesday. 美国联邦政府所在地华盛顿哥伦比亚特区市长于上周三(5月13日)表示,“居家令”将延长至6月8日。