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60095 The stay-at-home order, intended to curb the spread of the novel coronavirus, had been scheduled to end on May 15. 这一旨在遏制新型冠状病毒传播的居家禁令原定于5月15日结束。
60096 Mayor Muriel Bowser left open the possibility that the US capital could reopen sooner, 市长穆丽尔·鲍泽表示,美国首都华盛顿特区仍有可能提前重新开放。
60097 telling reporters that if it hit certain metrics including a declining number of cases over 14 days and sustained low transmission rate, she could move to open sooner. 她告诉记者,如果达到某些标准,包括确诊病例数量下降14天和持续较低的传播率,华盛顿特区或将提前开放。
60098 Washington has reported 6,584 cases of the coronavirus and 350 deaths so far. 到目前为止,华盛顿特区新冠肺炎确诊病例达到6584例,死亡病例为350例。
60099 Though Bowser said the data reflected some encouraging signs, she said, “We are not there yet.” 尽管鲍泽表示,数据反映出一些令人鼓舞的迹象,但她说,“我们还没有达到标准。”
60100 'We're not there yet and not quite ready to begin that phased new opening,' Bowser said at a press briefing. 鲍泽在新闻发布会上说:“我们还没有达到标准,还没有做好开 始分阶段开放的准备。”
60101 'We will continue to follow the advice of our health officials. 我们将继续听从卫生官员的建议。
60102 Rushing to reopen could have tragic results.' 急于重新开放可能会带来悲剧性的后果。
60103 Medical experts recommend states and regions do not reopen until they have recorded a 14-day decline in new coronavirus cases. 医学专家建议,在新增确诊病例连续下降14天之前,各州和各地区不要重新开放。
60104 Other criteria for reopening have been met, however, including the required capacity for testing, Bowser said. 但鲍泽表示,重新开放的其他标准已经满足,包括病毒检测的能力。