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60105 The announcement came as the White House pushes for states to reopen businesses while public health experts urge caution. 与此同时,白宫敦促各州重新开放商业活动,而公共卫生专家敦促人们保持谨慎。
60106 Top US infectious diseases expert Anthony Fauci testified in the Senate on Tuesday his concerns that ending lockdowns could lead to uncontrollable outbreaks. 美国顶级传染病专家安东尼·福奇上周二(5月12日)在参议院作证时表示,他担心结束封锁可能会导致无法控制的疫情暴发。
60107 Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, told a Senate panel the virus epidemic is not yet under control in areas of the nation and urged states to follow advice of witnessing a declining number of new infections before reopening. 美国国家过敏症和传染病研究所所长福奇对参议院的一个委员会说,美国一些地区的疫情还没有得到控制,他敦促各州遵循建议,在新增病例下降之前不要重新开放。
60108 'I think we're going in the right direction, but the right direction does not mean we have by any means total control of this outbreak,' Fauci said. 福奇说:“我认为我们的方向是正确的,但正确的方向并不意味 着我们已经完全控制了疫情。”
60109 Both Maryland and Virginia, neighboring states where many workers in the US federal government live, 美国联邦政府许多工作人员居住在邻近的马里兰州和维吉尼亚州。
60110 have moved to reopen some businesses in parts of their states, but the suburbs immediately surrounding Washington have remained largely closed. 这两个州已经在部分地区重新开放商业活动,但是紧邻华盛顿特区的大部分郊区仍然实施封锁措施。
60111 Government is considered an essential service, with many workers are currently working from home. 政府工作被认为是必不可少的服务,许多政府部门员工目前在家办公。
60112 Senators returned to Washington earlier this month after six weeks at home. 参议员们在居家六周后,于本月初返回华盛顿。
60113 The congressional physician has advised lawmakers to wear masks, stay six feet (two meters) apart and limit the number of staff on Capitol Hill. 国会医生建议议员们戴上口罩,保持6英尺(约合2米)的距离,并限制国会工作人员的数量。
60114 News that lockdown will continue will no doubt be unwelcome news to the city's most famous resident, President Donald Trump, who has repeatedly urged the US to reopen for business as soon as possible. 对于该市最著名的居民、美国总统唐纳德·特朗普来说,继续封锁无疑是不受欢迎的消息,他曾多次敦促美国尽快恢复商业活动。