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60115 However, when asked by reporters if there had been pressure from the president to reopen the nation's capital, Bowser said there had not been. 然而,当记者问及总统是否施压要求重新开放华盛顿特区时,鲍泽表示并没有。
60116 Most states have started easing their stay-at-home orders despite rising COVID-19 cases and deaths and repeated warnings from medical experts that there could be renewed spikes in figures if they reopen for business too soon. 尽管确诊病例和死亡病例数量不断上升,医学专家也一再警告说,如果过早恢复商业活动,病例数量可能会再次激增,但大多数州已经开始放宽“居家令”。
60117 A revised forecast model relied on by the White House is now projecting 147,000 Americans could die in the pandemic by August - an increase of 10,000 on projections from just two days ago - due to the easing of social distancing measures across much of the US. 根据白宫采信的一种修订后的预测模型,由于美国大部分地区放宽了社交隔离措施,预计到8月份,美国的新冠肺炎死亡病例将达到14.7万例,比两天前的预测增加了1万人。
60118 As instances of hate speech, stigma, discrimination and xenophobia continue to rise as a result of COVID-19, the United Nations and its partners are working to ensure that solidarity prevails during the pandemic.   因2019冠状病毒病而产生的仇恨言论、污名、歧视和仇外心理的情况不断增加,联合国及其合作伙伴正在不懈努力,确保大流行病期间的全球普遍团结。
60119 Migrants and refugees are among those who have falsely been blamed and vilified for spreading the virus. 移民和难民被污蔑和诋毁为病毒的传播群体。
60120 When 14,000 Mozambican migrants returned home from South Africa, concerns grew that cross-border movements could potentially spread COVID-19 in their home country. 1.4万名莫桑比克移民从南非返回家园后,莫桑比克人民越来越 担心跨境流动有可能在本国造成2019冠状病毒病蔓延。
60121 To tackle this head-on, community health workers at the International Organization for Migration (IOM) immediately started making phone calls to returned migrants, checking in on their wellbeing and that of their family members. 为正面解决这一问题,国际移民组织(移民组织)的社区卫生工作者立即开始致电返家的移民,核实他们及其家人的健康状况。
60122 “They explained the symptoms of COVID-19, prevention measures and told me to stay home until completing the mandatory 14-days quarantine and to call in case of any symptoms.   “他们向我说明了2019冠状病毒病的症状和预防措施,并告诉我 要待在家里进行14天的强制隔离,一旦出现任何症状,就给他们打电话。
60123 I am grateful for the attention to our health and families.” 我很感谢他们对我和家人健康状况的关心。”
60124 Among the 850 migrants phone-screened over the course of 4 weeks, none reported COVID-19 symptoms, IOM said. 移民组织表示,过去四周内,他们对850名移民进行了电话筛查,没有人报告出现2019冠状病毒病症状。