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60125 According to IOM, stigmatization of certain groups during crisis situations is not new.  移民组织称,危机期间对某些群体的污名化并不鲜见。
60126 From terrorism to disease outbreaks, migrants have often been scapegoated for endangering native populations.   从恐怖主义到疾病暴发,移民经常被当作替罪羊,被认为危及到当地居民。
60127 “Diseases have at times been perceived as ‘foreign’,” IOM said, as was the case with cholera in the 1830s, HIV/AIDS in the 1980s or, more recently, with H1N1 influenza. 移民组织表示:“有些疾病被认为是‘外来’疾病,例如1830年代的 霍乱,1980年代的艾滋病毒/艾滋病,以及较近的甲型流感。”
60128 COVID-19 is no exception, as people of Asian and European descent - and migrants more generally - have been stigmatized for spreading the coronavirus. 2019冠状病毒病也被认为是“外来”疾病,亚洲裔和欧洲裔人民 以及更广泛的移民被污蔑为冠状病毒的传播者。
60129 Many have endured verbal and physical assaults, and at times, institutional exclusion from the receiving society. 许多人遭到言语和人身攻击,有时甚至遭到收容国社会的制度性排斥。
60130 According to the World Health Organization (WHO), stigma can drive people to hide their illness to avoid discrimination, preventing them from seeking immediate health care. 世界卫生组织称,污名化现象促使人们隐瞒病情以避免被歧视,妨碍他们及时寻求医疗服务。
60131 In the longer term, stigmatization and discrimination can negatively impact the ability of migrants to integrate into society. 从长远来看,污名化和歧视现象会对移民融入社会产生负面影响。
60132 This not only undermines their wellbeing, but more broadly, that of receiving communities which benefit from their diverse contributions to social cohesion. 这不仅损害了他们的福祉,更广泛地说,还损害了接收社区的福祉,而移民本可以为社会融合做出各种贡献。
60133 To tackle this aspect of the crisis, IOM has issued a toolkit for strengthening the design, delivery and evaluation of migration communications campaigns, placing strong emphasis on participatory approaches that increase interaction and involve audiences throughout the campaign cycle. 在此次危机中,移民组织为解决这一问题发行了一套工具包,以改进移民宣传运动的设计、实施和评估,强调采取参与式办法,在整个活动期间增进互动,让受众参与进来。
60134 It aims to ensure that rapid, accurate and balanced information reaches those most in need.   工具包旨在确保为最需要帮助的人迅速提供准确且涵盖各方观点的信息。