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60135 “We are seeing an alarming increase in anti-migrant rhetoric, in particular the scapegoating of migrants and others in the public domain and online,” said IOM Director General António Vitorino.   移民组织总干事安东尼奥•维托里诺说:“我们看到反移民的言论 ,尤其是在公共领域和网络上把移民和其他群体当作替罪羊的说法急剧增多。
60136 “The toolkit provides clear, proven approaches to address and reduce the impact of misinformation.” 工具包提供了明确、行之有效的方法,解决和减少虚假信息的影响。” 
60137 Complementing these efforts, the United Nations itself has issued guidance to address COVID-19 related hate speech, offering recommendations to UN entities, Member States, technology companies, media and civil society. 为配合这些努力,联合国发布了2019冠状病毒病相关仇恨言论应对指南,并向联合国各实体、会员国、科技公司、媒体和民间社会提出建议。
60138 “We must act now to strengthen the immunity of our societies against the virus of hate,” United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres said in his recent message, appealing for an all-out effort to end hate speech globally. 联合国秘书长安东尼奥•古特雷斯在最近的讲话中说:“我们必须立即采取行动,加强我们社会对仇恨这一病毒的免疫力。”他呼吁全力以赴阻止全球范围内的仇恨言论。  
60139 At the same time, COVID-19 crisis has sparked an outpouring of solidarity from people around the world, including migrants and refugees themselves, keen to help in the countries where they now live.   同时,2019冠状病毒病这一场危机促成全世界人民高度团结,包括移民和难民本身,他们热切希望为所处的国家提供帮助。
60141 Researchers are working at breakneck speed both to understand the virus and also to develop potential vaccines, medicines and other technologies. 研究人员正以极快的速度研究病毒并开发疫苗、药物和其他技术。
60142 The Access to COVID-19 Accelerator is uniting efforts on many fronts to ensure we have safe, effective and affordable therapeutics and vaccines in the shortest time possible. 获取COVID-19工具加速计划正在多条战线奋战,以确保我们能在 尽可能短的时间内拥有安全、有效和负担得起的治疗手段和疫苗。
60143 These tools provide additional hope of overcoming COVID-19, but they will not end the pandemic if we cannot ensure equitable access to them. 这些工具为战胜COVID-19带来了更多的希望,但倘若不能确保公 平使用它们,将不会终止这场大流行病。 
60144 In these extraordinary circumstances, we need to unleash the full power of science, to deliver innovations that are scalable, usable, and benefit everyone, everywhere, at the same time. 在这种特殊情况下,我们需要发挥科学的全部力量,提供可扩展和实用的创新,同时使全世界各地所有人都能受益。 
60145 Traditional market models will not deliver at the scale needed to cover the entire globe. 传统的市场模式无法达到覆盖全球所需要的规模。