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60146 Solidarity within and between countries and the private sector is essential if we are to overcome these difficult times. 为度过这一困难时期,国家内部和国家之间以及私营部门之间的团结协作至关重要。 
60147 Now is the moment where leaders must come together to develop a new global access policy and an operational tool, which will turn the many good intentions expressed in recent weeks into reality.  现在是各国领导人必须携手制定新的全球获取政策和实际操作手段的时候了,应将最近几周表达的诸多良好愿望化为现实。
60148 We are seeing some good examples where companies are coming out with solidarity approaches from open licensing and support, to tech transfer via the new Tech Access Partnership, to commitments not to increase prices in times of shortages. 我们看到了一些很好的实例,不乏公司慷慨互助风范,从开放许可和提供支持,到建立新的“技术获取伙伴关系”开展技术转 让,到承诺在短缺时期不提高价格。 
60149 WHO recognizes the wide-ranging efforts and initiatives aimed at incentivizing innovation while also ensuring access for all. 世卫组织赞赏为激励创新同时确保所有人获得服务而做出的广泛努力和举措。
60150 These will be important topics next week at the World Health Assembly. 这些将是下周世界卫生大会的重要议题。 
60151 At the beginning of the pandemic, President Alvarado asked me to set up a health technology repository for vaccines, medicines, diagnostics and any other tool that may work against COVID-19. 在大流行之初,阿尔瓦拉多总统提议我建立疫苗、药物、诊断器具和任何可抗击COVID-19的工具的卫生技术资源库。
60152 WHO has accepted this visionary proposal from his excellency President Alvarado and will, in the next few weeks, launch a platform for open, collaborative sharing of knowledge, data and intellectual property on existing and new health tools to combat COVID-19. 世卫组织欣然接受了阿尔瓦拉多总统阁下这一有远见的建议,将在数周内推出一个平台,以开放协作方式共享现有的和新的抗击COVID-19诊疗工具的知识、数据和知识产权。 
60153 Thank you President Piñera, for your statement.Your excellencies, thank you for laying down a collective vision for how the world can deliver lifesaving health technologies to tackle COVID-19. 感谢二位总统阁下阐述了关于世界如何提供救死扶伤的医疗技术应对COVID-19的构想。 
60154 Global solidarity will accelerate science and expand access so that together we can overcome the virus.  全球团结一心将加速科学发展并扩大获取途径,以共同战胜这一病毒。
60155 I am looking forward to greeting and working with leaders from across the world to ensure that together we optimise the COVID-19 response and build back stronger health systems. 我期待着问候世界各国领导人,并与他们通力合作,确保共同优化COVID-19的应对措施,重建更强大的卫生系统。