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60156 Over the past few months, across the world, we have shown that when countries implement a comprehensive strategy they can effectively contain and suppress the spread of the virus, while minimizing the impact on lives and livelihoods. 过去几个月来,在世界各地,我们表明,当国家实施全面战略时,它们能够有效遏制和抑制病毒的传播,同时最大限度地减少对生活和生计的影响。
60157 The pandemic has shown again, and in the strongest way possible, that investing in health is not just the right thing to do; it’s the smart thing to do. 这场大流行病再次以最惨烈的方式表明,投资健康不仅是正确之举,而且是明智之举。 
60158 There’s no trade off between investing in health and your economy. 在健康投资与经济投资之间并无取舍可言。
60159 Health is an investment in our collective future. 健康是对我们共同未来的投资。 
60160 Funding quality health for all, doesn’t just save lives; it means children are healthy and can go to school; people can go to work to earn a living and societies and economies are both stronger and more sustainable. 投资于所有人的良好健康,不仅可以挽救生命,还意味着孩子们可以健康上学,大人可以工作谋生,社会和经济都能强劲和可持续发展。 
60161 Yesterday, WHO released a policy brief on gender and COVID-19, which encourages countries to incorporate a gender focus into their responses. 昨天,世卫组织发布了一份关于性别与COVID-19专题的政策简报 ,鼓励各国在应对措施中重视性别因素。
60162 It includes six key asks for governments: 简报向政府提出六项主要要求:
60163 First, when recording cases, collect both age and sex-disaggregated data; 第一,在记录病例时,收集按年龄和性别分类的数据;
60164 Second, prevent and respond effectively to issues of domestic violence, which have been exacerbated by the pandemic; 第二,预防和有效应对大流行病期间家庭暴力增长的问题;
60165 Third, encourage availability and access to sexual and reproductive health services; 第三,鼓励提供和获得性健康和生殖健康服务;