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60166 Fourth, protect and support all health workers, approximately 70 percent of the whom are women; 第四,保护和支持所有卫生工作者(其中约70%是女性);
60167 Fifth, ensure equitable access to testing and treatment for COVID-19; 第五,确保公平获得COVID-19的检测和治疗; 
60168 And finally; sixth, ensure responses are both inclusive and non-discriminatory. 最后,第六,确保应对措施既包容又无歧视。 
60169 To maximise effectiveness and ensure that no one is left behind, tackling the pandemic requires a gender-responsive, equity-oriented and human rights-based approach. 为了最大限度地提高效力并确保无人掉队,应对这一大流行病需要采取一种促进性别平等、注重公平和尊重人权的方针。
60170 This evening, WHO will release a Scientific Brief on Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children. 今天晚上,世卫组织将发布一份关于儿童多系统炎症综合征的科学简报。 
60171 In the past weeks, reports from Europe and North America have described a small number of children being admitted to intensive care units with a multisystem inflammatory condition with some features similar to Kawasaki’s disease and toxic shock syndrome. 在过去几周里,来自欧洲和北美的报道称一小部分儿童被送入重症监护室,他们患有多系统炎症,其某些特征与川崎病和中毒性休克综合征相类似。 
60172 Initial reports hypothesise that this syndrome may be related to COVID-19. 最初的报告假设该综合征可能与COVID-19有关。 
60173 It is critical to urgently and carefully characterise this clinical syndrome, to understand causality and to describe treatment interventions. 急需仔细为该临床综合征定性、了解其因果关系并列明治疗干预措施。 
60174 Together with our global clinical network for COVID-19, WHO has developed a preliminary case definition and a case report form for Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children. 世卫组织与全球COVID-19临床网络共同拟订了儿童多系统炎症综 合征的初步病例定义和病例报告表。
60175 I call on all clinicians worldwide to work with your national authorities and WHO to be on the alert and better understand this syndrome in children. 我呼吁全球所有临床医生与所在国主管部门以及世界卫生组织合作,提高警惕,更好地了解这一儿科综合征。