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60176 I will repeat this, I call on all clinicians worldwide to work with your national authorities and WHO to be on the alert and better understand this syndrome in children. 我再说一遍,我呼吁全球所有临床医生与所在国主管部门以及世界卫生组织合作,提高警惕,更好地了解这一儿科综合征。 
60177 We, the leaders of global health, human rights and development institutions, come together to urgently draw the attention of political leaders to the heightened vulnerability of prisoners and other people deprived of liberty to the COVID-19 pandemic, 我们,全球卫生、人权和发展机构的负责人,会聚在一起,紧急提请政治领导人关注囚犯和其他被剥夺自由者面对大流行性COVID-19更其脆弱的问题,
60178 and urge them to take all appropriate public health measures in respect of this vulnerable population that is part of our communities.  并敦促他们对属于我们共同体的这一弱势人口采取一切适当的公共卫生措施。
60179 Acknowledging that the risk of introducing COVID-19 into prisons or other places of detention varies from country to country, 我们认识到,COVID-19传入监狱或其他拘留场所的风险因国家而 异,
60180 we emphasize the need to minimize the occurrence of the disease in these settings and to guarantee that adequate preventive measures are in place to ensure a gender-responsive approach and preventing large outbreaks of COVID-19. 因此,我们强调需要最大限度地减少疫情在这些环境中的发生,并保证采取适当预防措施,确保以具有性别敏感的方法,防止COVID-19大规模暴发。
60181 We equally emphasize the need to establish an up-to-date coordination system that brings together health and justice sectors, keeps prison staff well-informed and guarantees that all human rights in these settings are respected.  我们还强调需要建立新的协调系统,将卫生和司法部门结合起来,确保监狱工作人员信息畅通,并尊重这些环境中的所有人权。
60182 Reduce overcrowding  缓解过度拥挤
60183 In the light of overcrowding in many places of detention, which undermines hygiene, health, safety and human dignity, a health response to COVID-19 in closed settings alone is insufficient. 许多拘留场所过度拥挤,损害了卫生、健康、安全和人的尊严,仅在封闭环境中对COVID-19作出卫生反应是不够的。
60184 Overcrowding constitutes an insurmountable obstacle for preventing, preparing for or responding to COVID-19.  过度拥挤极大妨碍了防范或应对COVID-19的工作。
60185 We urge political leaders to consider limiting the deprivation of liberty, including pretrial detention, to a measure of last resort, particularly in the case of overcrowding, and to enhance efforts to resort to non-custodial measures. 我们敦促政治领导人考虑限制剥夺自由,包括审前拘留,将其作为不得已而诉诸的手段,特别是在过度拥挤的情况下,并尽力采取非羁押措施。