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60186 These efforts should encompass release mechanisms for people at particular risk of COVID-19, 这些努力应包括对有COVID-19特别风险的人的释放机制,
60187 such as older people and people with pre-existing health conditions, as well as other people who could be released without compromising public safety, such as those sentenced for minor, non-violent offences, with specific consideration given to women and children.  例如老年人和此前已存在健康问题的人,以及其他可在不损害公共安全的前提下获释的人,例如因轻微非暴力犯罪被判刑的人,并特别考虑到妇女和儿童。
60188 A swift and firm response aimed at ensuring healthy and safe custody, and reducing overcrowding, is essential to mitigate the risk of COVID-19 entering and spreading in prisons and other places of deprivation of liberty. 应采取迅速和坚定的措施,确保健康和安全羁押并缓解过度拥挤,这对于减轻COVID-19传入监狱或其他剥夺自由场所所蔓延开 来的风险至关重要。
60189 Increasing cleanliness and hygiene in places of deprivation of liberty is paramount in order to prevent the entry of, or to limit the spread of, the virus.  为了防止病毒传入或遏制其传播,改善剥夺自由场所的清洁和卫生至关重要。
60190 Compulsory detention and rehabilitation centres, where people suspected of using drugs or engaging in sex work are detained, without due process, in the name of treatment or rehabilitation should be closed. 以治疗或教养为名,未经正当程序即强行拘留涉嫌吸毒者或性工作者的拘留和教养中心应当关闭。
60191 There is no evidence that such centres are effective in the treatment of drug dependence or rehabilitation of people and the detention of people in such facilities raises human rights issues and threatens the health of detainees, increasing the risks of COVID-19 outbreaks. 没有证据表明这种中心在治疗药物依赖或实施教养方面行之有效,将人拘留在这种设施中会造成人权问题,威胁被拘留者的健康,增加COVID-19暴发的风险。
60192 Ensuring health, safety and human dignity  确保健康、安全和人的尊严
60193 All states are required to ensure not only the security, but also the health, safety and human dignity, of people deprived of their liberty and of people working in places of detention at all times. 所有国家不仅必须时时确保被剥夺自由者和拘留场所工作人员的安保,还必须确保他们的健康、安全和人的尊严。
60194 This obligation applies irrespective of any state of emergency.  无论何种紧急状态,这项义务一律适用。
60195 Decent living and working conditions as well as access to necessary health services free of charge form intrinsic elements of this obligation. 体面的生活和工作条件以及免费获得必要的卫生服务是这项义务的内在要素。