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60196 There must be no discrimination on the basis of the legal or any other status of people deprived of their liberty. 不得基于被剥夺自由者的法律或任何其它地位进行歧视。
60197 Health care in prisons, including preventive, supportive and curative care, should be of the highest quality possible, at least equivalent to that provided in the community. 监狱中的卫生保健,包括预防、支持和治疗,应达到可能的最高水准,至少相当于社区的卫生保健水准。
60198 Priority responses to COVID-19 currently implemented in the community, such as hand hygiene and physical distancing, are often severely restricted or not possible in closed settings.  社区目前针对COVID-19实施的优先措施,例如手部卫生和身体距 离,在封闭环境中通常受到严格限制,或者是不可能的。
60199 Ensuring access to continued health services  确保获得持续的卫生服务
60200 Prison populations have an overrepresentation of people with substance use disorders, HIV, tuberculosis (TB) and hepatitis B and C compared to the general population. 与普通民众相比,监狱人群中携带艾滋病毒或患有物质使用障碍、结核病以及乙型和丙型肝炎的人数过多。
60201 The rate of infection of diseases in such a confined population is also higher than among the general population. 在这类受禁锢的人群中,疾病的感染率也高于普通民众。
60202 Beyond the normal infectivity of the COVID-19 pandemic, people with substance use disorders, HIV, hepatitis and TB may be at increased risk of complications from COVID-19.  除了大流行性COVID-19的通常传染外,携带艾滋病毒或患有物 质使用障碍、结核病以及乙型和丙型肝炎的人可能会有更大风险罹患COVID-19引起的并发症。
60203 To ensure that the benefits of treatments started before or during imprisonment are not lost, provisions must be made, in close collaboration with public health authorities, to allow people to continue their treatments without interruption at all stages of detention and upon release. 为了确保在监禁前或监禁期间开始的治疗不会失去疗效,必须与公共卫生当局密切合作作出规定,允许人们在拘留的各个阶段和获释后不间断地接受治疗。
60204 Countries should embrace a health systems approach, where prisons are not separated from the continuity-of-care pathway but integrated with community health services.  各国应采用整体卫生系统方针,即监狱不与持续治疗路径相分离,而是与社区卫生服务结合在一起。
60205 Enhancing prevention and control measures in closed settings as well as increasing access to quality health services, including uninterrupted access to the prevention and treatment of HIV, TB, hepatitis and opioid dependence, are therefore required. 因此,需要加强封闭环境中的防控措施,增加获得优质卫生服务的机会,包括不间断地获得对艾滋病毒、结核病、肝炎和类阿片药物依赖的预防和治疗。