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60206 Authorities must ensure uninterrupted access and flow of quality health commodities to prisons and other places of detention. 当局必须确保持续向监狱和其它拘留场所提供高质量的卫生物资。
60207 Staff, health-care professionals and service providers working in closed settings should be recognized as a crucial workforce for responding to the COVID-19 pandemic and receive appropriate personal protective equipment and support as necessary.  封闭环境中的工作人员、专业医护人员和服务提供者应被看作是应对大流行性COVID-19的重要人力,并在必要时获得适当的个 人防护设备和支持。
60208 Respect human rights  尊重人权
60209 In their responses to COVID-19 in closed settings, states must respect the human rights of people deprived of their liberty. 各国在应对封闭环境下的COVID-19时,必须尊重被剥夺自由者的 人权。
60210 Restrictions that may be imposed must be necessary, evidence-informed, proportionate (i.e. the least restrictive option) and non-arbitrary. 必须在必要、有据、相称(即限制性最小的选择)和非任意的前提下施加限制。
60211 The disruptive impact of such measures should be actively mitigated, such as through enhanced access to telephones or digital communications if visits are limited. 应积极减轻此类措施的破坏性影响,例如在探视受限的情况下,加强电话或数字通信的通联。
60212 Certain fundamental rights of people deprived of their liberty and corresponding safeguards, including the right to legal representation, as well as the access of external inspection bodies to places of deprivation of liberty, must continue to be fully respected. 必须继续充分尊重被剥夺自由者的某些基本权利和相应的保障措施,包括法律代理权,并允许外部视察机构进入剥夺自由场所。
60213 Adhere to United Nations rules and guidance  遵守联合国的规则和指导
60214 We urge political leaders to ensure that COVID-19 preparedness and responses in closed settings are identified and implemented in line with fundamental human rights, are guided by World Health Organization (WHO) guidance and recommendations and never amount to torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. 我们敦促政治领导人确保防范和应对封闭环境中的COVID-19的各项措施符合基本人权,遵从世界卫生组织(世卫组织)的指导和建议,绝不构成酷刑和其它残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚。
60215 People deprived of their liberty exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19 or who have tested positive should be monitored and treated in line with the most recent WHO guidelines and recommendations. 被剥夺自由者出现COVID-19症状或检测呈阳性,应根据世卫组织 最新指导文件和建议进行监测和治疗。