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60216 Prisons and other places of detention must be part of national COVID-19 plans with dedicated participation of affected populations. 监狱和其它拘留场所必须是国家COVID19计划的一部分,动员受影响人群全力参与。
60217 All cases of COVID-19 in closed settings should be notified to responsible public health authorities, who will then report to national and international authorities.  在封闭环境中的所有COVID-19病例都应通报主管公共卫生机构, 随即由后者报告有关的国家当局和国际机构。
60218 The other night, midway through watching a clip from “Plandemic” a documentary that went viral on social media last week, spreading baseless lies and debunked nonsense about the coronavirus to millions of Americans overnight I had a terrifying thought: 上个星期,社交媒体上疯传一部名叫《瘟疫大计划》(Plandemic)的纪录片,一夜之间向成百上千万美国人传播关于新冠病毒毫无根据的谎言和已被揭穿的无稽之谈。看到其中一个片段,我产生了一个可怕的想法:
60219 What if we get a Covid-19 vaccine and half the country refuses to take it? 如果我们有了新冠病毒的疫苗,但全国有一半人拒绝接种怎么办?
60220 It occurred to me that all the misinformation we’ve seen so far the false rumors that 5G cellphone towers fuel the coronavirus, that drinking bleach or injecting UV rays can cure it, that Dr. Anthony Fauci is part of an anti-Trump conspiracy may be just the warm-up act for a much bigger information war when an effective vaccine becomes available to the public. 我发现到目前为止,我们看到的所有错误信息——5G信号塔导致新冠病毒、喝漂白剂或接受紫外线照射可以治愈这种病、安东尼·福奇(Anthony Fauci)参与了反特朗普阴谋——所有这些可能只是为有效疫苗推出时一场更大信息战的热身。
60221 This war could pit public health officials and politicians against an anti-vaccination movement that floods social media with misinformation, conspiracy theories and propaganda aimed at convincing people that the vaccine is a menace rather than a lifesaving, economy-rescuing miracle. 这场战争可能会让公共卫生官员和政界人士与反疫苗运动对抗,届时这个运动将在社交媒体上到处发布虚假信息、阴谋论和宣传,目的是让人们相信疫苗是一种威胁,而不是拯救生命、拯救经济的奇迹。
60222 Scariest of all? 最可怕的是什么?
60223 It could actually work. 是可能真的会这样。
60224 I’ve been following the anti-vaccine community on and off for years, watching its members operate in private Facebook groups and Instagram accounts, and have found that they are much more organized and strategic than many of their critics believe. 多年来,我一直在断断续续地关注反疫苗团体,观察其成员在Facebook和Instagram上的私人群组和账号的活动,发现他们比许多批评者认为的更有组织性和战略性。
60225 They are savvy media manipulators, effective communicators and experienced at exploiting the weaknesses of social media platforms. 他们是精明的媒体操纵者、高效的沟通者,擅长利用社交媒体平台的弱点。