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60226 (Just one example: Shortly after Facebook and YouTube began taking down copies of “Plandemic” for violating their rules, (举个例子:在Facebook和YouTube撤下违反规定的《瘟疫大计划》一片后不久,
60227 I saw people in anti-vaccine groups editing it in subtle ways to evade the platforms’ automated enforcement software and reposting it.) 我看到反疫苗团体的人对它做了微妙的编辑,以避开平台的自动执行软件,然后再次转发。)
60228 In short, the anti-vaxxers have been practicing for this. 简而言之,反疫苗者一直都在做这种事。
60229 And I’m worried that they will be unusually effective in sowing doubts about a Covid-19 vaccine for several reasons. 我担心,出于以下几个原因,他们可以非常高效地引起人们对新冠疫苗的怀疑。
60230 First, because of the pandemic’s urgency, any promising Covid-19 vaccine is likely to be fast-tracked through the testing and approval process. 首先,由于疫情的紧迫性,任何有希望的疫苗都可能走快速通道通过测试和批准程序。
60231 It may not go through years of clinical trials and careful studies of possible long-term side effects, the way other drugs do. 它可能不会像其他药物那样,经过多年临床试验和对可能的长期副作用的仔细研究。
60232 That could create an opening for anti-vaccine activists to claim that it is untested and dangerous, and to spin reasonable concerns about the vaccine into widespread, unfounded fears about its safety. 这可能会给反疫苗活动者提供机会,宣称疫苗未经测试且危险,并将对疫苗的合理担忧转化为对其安全性的广泛、毫无根据的怀疑。
60233 Second, if a vaccine does emerge, there is a good chance that leading health organizations like the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation or the World Health Organization will have a hand in producing or distributing it. 其次,如果确实出现了疫苗,那么像比尔和梅琳达·盖茨基金会(Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation)或世界卫生组织这样的重要卫生组织就很有可能参与生产或分发。
60234 If that’s the case, anti-vaccine activists, who have been crusading against these groups for years, will have plenty of material stockpiled to try to discredit them. 如果是这样的话,多年来一直在讨伐这些组织的反疫苗活动者将会有大量的材料储备,试图败坏这些组织的名声。
60235 They are already taking aim at Mr. Gates with baseless conspiracy theories claiming that he created and is trying to profit from the virus. 他们已经在用毫无根据的阴谋论来攻击盖茨,声称是他创造了病毒,并试图从中获利。