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60236 These theories will be amplified, and the attempts to discredit leading virus research efforts will intensify as the vaccine nears. 这些阴谋论将被放大,随着疫苗临近,将会有更激烈的活动,试图破坏顶尖病毒研究成果的名誉。
60237 Third, if and when a Covid-19 vaccine is approved for widespread use, people may be required to take it before being allowed to fly on certain airlines, attend certain schools or enter certain businesses. 第三,如果一种新冠病毒疫苗被批准广泛使用,一些航空公司、学校或营业场所可能要求人们接种疫苗才能进入。
60238 That’s a good idea, public health-wise, but it would play into some of the worst fears of the anti-vaccine movement. 就公众健康而言,这是个好主意,但它会给反疫苗运动一些最严重的担忧带来口实。
60239 Mandatory vaccination has been an especially potent talking point for anti-vaccine activists, 反疫苗活动者一直将强制疫苗接种作为一个特别有说服力的论点,
60240 some of whom have rebranded themselves “pro-choice” when it comes to vaccines. 其中一些人将自己的观点重新包装为疫苗问题上的“支持选择”。
60241 And years of battling states and school districts over mandatory vaccine policies have given them a playbook for creating a tangle of legal roadblocks and damaging publicity campaigns. 多年来,各州和学区在强制接种疫苗政策上的斗争,为他们提供了一套制造法律障碍和诋毁宣传活动的攻略。
60242 I wanted to understand if my fears about a vaccine-related information war were valid, so I reached out to Neil Johnson and Rhys Leahy, two researchers at George Washington University. 我想知道我对疫苗信息战的担忧是否有道理,于是联系了乔治·华盛顿大学(George Washington University)的两位研究员——尼尔·约翰逊(Neil Johnson)和里斯·
60243 On Wednesday, their study of the online anti-vaccine movement was published in the science journal Nature. 莱希(Rhys Leahy),他们对网上反疫苗运动的研究于周三发表在科学杂志《自然》(Nature)上。
60244 The study, which mapped the vaccine conversation on Facebook during the 2019 measles outbreak, found that there were nearly three times as many active anti-vaccination communities as pro-vaccination communities. 该研究追溯了2019年麻疹爆发期间Facebook上关于疫苗的对话,发现活跃的反疫苗团体几乎是支持疫苗团体的三倍。
60245 In addition, they found that while pro-vaccine pages tended to have more followers, anti-vaccine pages were faster-growing. 此外,他们发现,虽然支持疫苗的页面往往有更多关注者,但反对疫苗的页面增长更快。