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60246 “We expected to find a strong core of ‘vanilla’ science people saying that vaccines are good for you but that’s not what we found at all,” Mr. Johnson told me. “我们以为会看到‘普通的’科学有一个强有力的核心——人们会说疫苗对你有好处——但我们发现的根本不是这样,”约翰逊告诉我。
60247 “We found a real struggle online, where the public health establishment and its supporters are almost fighting in the wrong place.” “我们在网上发现了一场真正的斗争,公共卫生机构及其支持者几乎是在一个错误的战场上战斗。”
60248 The researchers found that Facebook pages pushing accurate pro-vaccine information were mostly clustered in an insular group, while the anti-vaccine pages treated vaccine resistance as a kind of political campaign, and used different messages to reach different types of undecided “voters.” 研究人员发现,在Facebook上宣传支持疫苗正确信息的页面大多集中在一个孤立的群体里;而反对疫苗的页面则把对抗疫苗当作一种政治运动,并且使用不同的讯息,以便接触尚未做出决定的不同类型“选民”。
60249 A page promoting holistic health remedies might start seeding doubts about vaccines among liberal yoga moms, while a page promoting resistance to government-mandated vaccines might appeal to conservatives and libertarians. 一个提倡整体健康疗法的页面可能会在自由派瑜伽妈妈当中散播对疫苗的怀疑,而一个提倡抵制政府强制接种的页面可能会吸引保守派和自由意志论者。
60250 “Public health advocacy groups tend to be monolithic, sending one message” that vaccines are safe and effective, Ms. Leahy said. “公共卫生倡导组织往往是单一的,只传递一个信息,”即疫苗是安全有效的,莱希说。
60251 “The anti-vax movement is really diverse.” “而反疫苗运动真的很多样化。”
60252 There is some reason for hope. 我们有理由抱有希望。
60253 Recent surveys have suggested that most Americans would take a Covid-19 vaccine if one were available today. 最近的调查显示,如果今天就有新冠疫苗,大多数美国人都会去接种。
60254 Even politicians who have expressed skepticism about vaccines in the past, including President Trump, are rooting for one that can prevent the disease. 即使是过去曾对疫苗表示怀疑的政治人士,包括特朗普总统,也在支持一种可以预防这种疾病的疫苗。
60255 And some public health experts I spoke to said public pressure to end the pandemic and return to normal life might overpower anti-vaccine activism. 我采访过的一些公共卫生专家说,公众要求结束大流行并恢复正常生活的压力可能会压倒反疫苗行动。