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60256 “People are seeing the toll of Covid-19 all around,” said Kasisomayajula Viswanath, a professor of health communication at the Harvard School of Public Health. “人们看到了新冠病毒的全面危害,”哈佛大学公共卫生学院健康传播教授卡西索马亚朱拉·维斯瓦纳特(Kasisomayajula Viswanath)说。
60257 “My guess is that if there is a successful vaccine, especially in the absence of treatment, people may discount the anti-vaccine groups.” “我想,如果有一种成功的疫苗,特别是在缺乏治疗办法的情况下,人们可能就不去理会反疫苗群体了。”
60258 But public acceptance of a Covid-19 vaccine is far from a sure thing. 但公众对新型冠状病毒疫苗的接受程度还远未确定。
60259 And seeing platforms like Facebook and YouTube struggle to contain the spread of videos like “Plandemic” makes me worry that when the time comes to persuade billions of people to take a critical coronavirus vaccine, 看到Facebook和YouTube这样的平台难以遏制《瘟疫大计划》这种视频的传播,让我担心,到了需要说服数十亿人接受重要的冠状病毒疫苗时,
60260 our public health officials and social media companies will be outgunned by a well-oiled anti-vaccine movement that has already polluted the air with misinformation and conspiracy theories. 我们的公共卫生官员和社会媒体公司会敌不过一个高效运行、已经用错误信息和阴谋论污染了空气的反疫苗运动。
60261 We can prevent that, but only if we start laying the groundwork before it’s too late. 我们可以防止这种情况发生,但前提是我们必须在为时已晚之前开始打好基础。
60262 Organizations like the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the W.H.O. need to understand the dynamics of online anti-vaccination communities and start waging a hearts-and-minds campaign to restore faith in the medical establishment while a vaccine is being developed. 美国疾病控制与预防中心和世界卫生组织等组织需要了解网上反疫苗群体的动态,并开始发起一场全身心投入的运动,在开发疫苗的同时恢复人们对医疗机构的信心。
60263 Social media companies need to take the threat of vaccine-related misinformation seriously and devote tremendous resources to stopping its spread. 社交媒体公司需要认真对待与疫苗相关的虚假信息的威胁,并投入大量资源来阻止其传播。
60264 And those of us who believe in vaccines need to realize that we may not be in the majority for long and do everything we can to reach the people in our lives who might be susceptible to anti-vaccine propaganda. 而我们这些相信疫苗的人需要认识到,我们的多数地位持续不了太久,并且尽我们所能去触及自己生活中可能容易受到反疫苗宣传影响的人。
60265 To recover from this pandemic, we need to mobilize a pro-vaccine movement that is as devoted, as internet-savvy and as compelling as the anti-vaccine movement is for its adherents. 为了从这场大流行中恢复过来,我们需要动员一场支持疫苗的运动,这场运动要像反疫苗运动的追随者那样专注、精通互联网而又引人注目。