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60304 尽己所能为有需要的国家提供了大量支持和帮助。 We have done everything in our power to support and assist countries in need.
60305 主席先生! Mr. President,
60306 现在,疫情还在蔓延,防控仍需努力。 Even as we meet, the virus is still raging, and more must be done to bring it under control.
60307 我愿提出以下建议。 To this end, I want to make the following proposals:
60308 第一,全力搞好疫情防控。 First, we must do everything we can for COVID-19 control and treatment.
60309 这是当务之急。 This is a most urgent task.
60310 我们要坚持以民为本、生命至上, We must always put the people first, for nothing in the world is more precious than people’s lives.
60311 科学调配医疗力量和重要物资, We need to deploy medical expertise and critical supplies to places where they are needed the most.
60312 在防护、隔离、检测、救治、追踪等重要领域采取有力举措,尽快遏制疫情在全球蔓延态势,尽力阻止疫情跨境传播。 We need to take strong steps in such key areas as prevention, quarantine, detection, treatment and tracing. We need to move as fast as we can to curb the global spread of the virus and do our best to stem cross-border transmission.
60313 要加强信息分享,交流有益经验和做法,开展检测方法、临床救治、疫苗药物研发国际合作, We need to step up information sharing, exchange experience and best practice, and pursue international cooperation on testing methods, clinical treatment, and vaccine and medicine research and development.