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60314 并继续支持各国科学家们开展病毒源头和传播途径的全球科学研究。 We also need to continue supporting global research by scientists on the source and transmission routes of the virus.
60315 第二,发挥世卫组织领导作用。 Second, the World Health Organization should lead the global response.
60316 在谭德塞总干事带领下,世卫组织为领导和推进国际抗疫合作作出了重大贡献, Under the leadership of Dr. Tedros, WHO has made a major contribution in leading and advancing the global response to COVID-19.
60317 国际社会对此高度赞赏。 Its good work is applauded by the international community.
60318 当前,国际抗疫正处于关键阶段,支持世卫组织就是支持国际抗疫合作、支持挽救生命。 At this crucial juncture, to support WHO is to support international cooperation and the battle for saving lives as well.
60319 中国呼吁国际社会加大对世卫组织政治支持和资金投入,调动全球资源,打赢疫情阻击战。 China calls on the international community to increase political and financial support for WHO so as to mobilize resources worldwide to defeat the virus.
60320 第三,加大对非洲国家支持。 Third, we must provide greater support for Africa.
60321 发展中国家特别是非洲国家公共卫生体系薄弱, Developing countries, African countries in particular, have weaker public health systems.
60322 帮助他们筑牢防线是国际抗疫斗争重中之重。 Helping them build capacity must be our top priority in COVID-19 response.
60323 我们应该向非洲国家提供更多物资、技术、人力支持。 The world needs to provide more material, technological and personnel support for African countries.