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60364 COVID-19 lockdown and containment measures threaten to increase relative poverty levels among the world’s informal economy workers by as much as 56 percentage points in low-income countries, says a new briefing paper issued by the International Labour Organization. 国际劳工组织最新发布的简报指出,为应对2019冠状病毒病疫情而采取的封城和限制措施可能使低收入国家的非正规经济劳动者的相对贫困水平增加高达56个百分点。
60365 As many as 1.6 billion of the world’s two billion informal economy workers are affected by lockdown and containment measures. 全世界20亿非正规经济劳动者中,多达16亿将受到封城和限制措施影响。
60366 Most are working in the hardest-hit sectors or in small units more vulnerable to shocks. 他们中的大多数在受疫情打击最严重的部门或更易受疫情冲击的小企业工作,
60367 These include workers in accommodation and food services, manufacturing, wholesale and retail, and the more than 500 million farmers producing for the urban market. 包括住宿和食品服务业、制造业、批发零售业以及为城市市场供给的5亿多农民。
60368 Women are particularly affected in high-risk sectors, the report says. 报告指出,在高风险部门工作的女性尤其受到影响。
60369 In addition, with these workers needing to work to feed their families, COVID-19 containment measures in many countries cannot be implemented successfully. 此外,这些劳动者需要(外出)工作以养家糊口,许多国家为控制疫情采取的限制措施因而不能有效实施,
60370 This is endangering governments’ efforts to protect the population and fight the pandemic. 这危害到政府保护人们免受感染和抗击疫情的努力。
60371 It may become a source of social tension in countries with large informal economies, the report says. 报告指出,这可能成为非正规经济大国社会冲突的根源。
60372 More than 75 per cent of total informal employment takes place in businesses of fewer than ten workers, including 45 per cent of independent workers without employees. 非正规就业的75%以上是在雇员少于10人的企业中,包括45%没有任何雇员的独立工人。
60373 With most informal workers having no other means of support, they face an almost unsolvable dilemma: to die from hunger or from the virus, the briefing says. 简报指出,由于大部分非正规劳动者没有其他维持生计的办法,他们面临一个几乎无法解决的两难困境:死于饥饿或者死于病毒。