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60374 This has been exacerbated by disruptions in food supplies, which has particularly affected those in the informal economy. 粮食供应的中断加剧了这一情形,对非正规经济中的劳动者影响更为严重。
60375 or the world’s 67 million domestic workers, 75 per cent of whom are informal workers, unemployment has become as threatening as the virus itself. 对全世界6700万家政工人来说(其中75%是非正规工人),失业 造成跟病毒同等的威胁。
60376 Many have not been able to work, whether at the request of their employers or in compliance with lockdowns. 由于雇主要求或者封城规定,许多家政工人无法工作;
60377 Those who do continue to go to work face a high risk of contagion, caring for families in private households. 继续去私人居所里照顾家庭则面临传染的高风险。
60378 For the 11 million migrant domestic workers the situation is even worse. 对于1100万移民家庭工人来说,情况甚至更糟。
60379 “The COVID-19 crisis is exacerbating already existing vulnerabilities and inequalities,” says Philippe Marcadent, Chief of the ILO’s INWORK branch. “2019冠状病毒病危机加剧了业已存在的脆弱性和不平等。”国际劳工组织包容性劳动力市场、劳资关系以及工作条件处处长菲利普·马卡登(Philippe Marcadent)指出。
60380 Policy responses must ensure that support reaches the workers and enterprises who need it most. 应对政策必须确保支持措施能够覆盖那些最需要支持的劳动者和企业。
60381 The countries with the largest informal economies where full lockdowns have been adopted, are suffering the most from the consequences of the pandemic. 非正规经济规模大且采取了全面封城措施的国家,遭受疫情影响最为严重。
60382 Countries need to follow a multi-track strategy that combines several lines of actions relating to both the health and economic impacts of the pandemic, says the ILO. 国际劳工组织指出,各国应多措并举、多管齐下,采取与医疗卫生和经济影响相关的多种措施和行动。
60383 Among its recommendations, the report highlights the need for policies that reduce the exposure of informal workers to the virus; 报告在其建议中着重强调,需要制定政策减少非正规经济劳动者接触病毒的机会;