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60384 ensure that those infected have access to health care; 确保感染者能够获得救治;
60385 provide income and food support to individuals and their families; 为个人和其家庭提供收入和食品支持;
60386 and prevent damage to the economic fabric of countries. 以及防止疫情损害国家的经济组成和结构。
60387 The COVID-19 crisis has exposed devastating gaps in social protection coverage in developing countries, 2019冠状病毒病危机暴露了发展中国家社会保护的严重缺口。
60388 and recovery will only be sustained and future crises prevented if they can transform their ad hoc crisis response measures into comprehensive social protection systems, 只有将临时性的危机应对措施转变成全面的社会保护体系,才能从危机中持续复苏,并防止危机在未来重演。
60389 according to new analysis from the International Labour Organization (ILO). 根据国际劳工组织最新的分析。
60390 Two briefing papers released by the ILO warn that the current gaps in social protection could compromise recovery plans, expose millions to poverty, and affect global readiness to cope with similar crises in future. 国际劳工组织最近发布的两篇简报警示,现有社会保护的缺口可能会使复苏计划大打折扣,使数百万人陷入贫困,并影响全球为应对未来发生类似的危机做好准备。
60391 The papers take a detailed look at the role of social protection measures in addressing the COVID-19 outbreak in developing countries, including the provision of sickness benefits during the crisis. 简报仔细研究了社会保护措施在发展中国家应对2019冠状病毒病疫情中发挥的作用,包括在疫情中提供疾病津贴。
60392 “While the virus does not discriminate between rich and poor, its effects are highly uneven”, the brief says, adding that the ability to access affordable, quality, healthcare has become “a matter of life and death”. 简报指出:尽管病毒传播不分贫富,但是造成的影响却非常不平等”,是否能够获得可负担的、优质的医疗服务“攸关生死”。
60393 The brief also warns policymakers to avoid a singular focus on COVID-19 because this could reduce the availability of health systems to respond to “other conditions that kill people every day”. 简报同时警示政策制定者应避免将注意力只放在应对2019冠状病毒病,因为这可能导致医疗卫生体系减少应对“其他每天都可 致人死亡的疾病”。