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60404 speeding up benefit delivery, 加速津贴的支付,
60405 and expanding the scope of benefits to include prevention, diagnosis and treatment measures, as well as time spent in quarantine or on the care of sick dependants. 扩大保障的范围,包含从预防、诊断到治疗,并覆盖隔离或照料患病家人期间。
60406 “The COVID-19 crisis is a wake-up call. “2019冠状病毒病危机敲响了警钟。
60407 It has shown that a lack of social protection affects not just the poor, it exposes the vulnerability of those who have been getting by relatively well, because medical charges and loss of income can easily destroy decades of family work and saving,” said Shahra Razavi, the Director of the ILO’s Social Protection Department. 缺乏社会保护不仅影响穷人,也暴露了正在致富的人群的脆弱性,因为医疗费和(相关的)收入损失将轻而易举地摧毁一个家庭几十年的工作和储蓄。”国际劳工组织社会保护司司长莎拉 ·拉扎维(Shahra Razavi)指出。
60408 The examples from around the world clearly demonstrate once again that countries with robust and comprehensive social protection systems are in a much stronger position to respond to, and recover from, a crisis. 来自世界各地的事例再次清楚地表明,社会保护体系健全而全面的国家,更有利于应对危机和实现复苏。
60409 Policymakers need to build on the momentum generated by growing public awareness of the importance of social protection and the urgency of investing in it as a society, to ensure preparedness for future crises. 由于疫情,公众对社会保护的重要性和对社会保护进行投入的紧迫性的意识不断增长,政策制定者应抓住这一有利时机,确保为防止危机在未来重演做好准备。
60410 WHO announces the launch of the WHO Academy app designed to support health workers during COVID-19, 世界卫生组织宣布推出“世卫组织学院”(WHO Academy)应用程 序,以便在2019冠状病毒病疫情期间支持卫生工作者。
60411 and the WHO Info app designed to inform the general public. 同时发布旨在向公众通报情况的“世卫组织信息”(WHO Info)应用程序。
60412 The WHO Academy, World Health Organization’s lifelong learning centre, 世卫组织学院是世卫组织的终身学习中心。
60413 today, launched a mobile app designed to enable health workers to expand their life-saving skills to battle the COVID-19 pandemic. 今天,它发布一个移动应用程序,帮助卫生工作者拓展其挽救生命的技能,抗击COVID-19大流行。