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60569 On the occasion of International Museum Day, two studies by UNESCO and the International Council of Museums (ICOM) confirm that museums have been especially affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, with nearly 90% of them, or more than 85,000 institutions, having closed their doors for varying lengths of time during the crisis. 在国际博物馆日到来之际,联合国教科文组织和国际博物馆协会(ICOM)的两项研究证实,全球博物馆受到了新冠疫情的严重冲击。疫情期间,8.5万家博物馆曾闭馆,占到全球博物馆总数的近90%。
60570 Furthermore, in Africa and the Small Island Developing States (SIDS), only 5% of museums were able to offer online content to their audiences. 此外,在非洲和小岛屿发展中国家,只有5%的博物馆能够向其受众提供在线内容。
60571 Nearly 13% of museums around the world may never reopen. 全球近13%的博物馆可能永久关闭。
60572 The two studies, involving Member States and museum professionals, were aimed at assessing the impact of COVID-19 on museums and museum institutions. 这两项关于会员国和博物馆专业人士的研究旨在评估新冠疫情对博物馆和博物馆机构的影响,
60573 They also aimed to find out how the sector had adapted to the pandemic and explore ways to support institutions in its aftermath. 并调研整个行业对疫情的应对情况,探讨疫情过后为各机构提供支持的合适方式。
60574 “Museums play a fundamental role in the resilience of societies. “博物馆在社会复原力中起着基础性作用。
60575 We must help them cope with this crisis and keep them in touch with their audiences,” said UNESCO Director-General Audrey Azoulay. “This pandemic also reminds us that half of humanity does not have access to digital technologies. 我们必须帮助他们应对这场危机,并保持其与对应受众的联系。”教科文组织总干事阿祖莱说,“这场疫情还提醒我们,全球半数人口还未能享用数字技术。
60576 We must work to promote access to culture for everyone, especially the most vulnerable and isolated.” 我们必须努力促进所有人的文化获取,尤其是最弱势和孤立的群体。”
60577 Within the framework of its ResiliArt movement, UNESCO launched in mid-May a series of debates devoted to museums. 教科文组织在5月中旬发起了“坚韧艺术”运动,其中有一系列讨论即以博物馆为主题。
60578 The first three debates, in partnership with Ibermuseums, will focus on the situation in the Ibero-American region and will explore strategies to support museums and professionals. 与Ibermuseums合作举办的前三场辩论将重点关注伊比利亚美洲地区的局势,并探讨支持博物馆和相关专业人员的策略。