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62537 เกรงว่าจะเจอตอจากผู้มีอิทธิพลในตลาด รัฐบาลจึงต้องเป็นที่พึ่งอย่างยิ่งให้ชาวนา แต่ต้องเปลี่ยนวิธีคิด วิธีช่วยชาวนาเสียที 政府担心地方强者造成一方垄断局面的出现,而必须依靠农民的力量。但是必须以新思维、新方式帮助农民扭转局面。
62538 Working together is the "only option" to defeat the COVID-19 pandemic, Margaret Chan, a national political advisor and former director-general of the World Health Organization, said at a plenary meeting of the 13th National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference on Sunday. 全国政协十三届三次会议第二次全体会议5月24日举行。全国政协委员、世界卫生组织原总干事陈冯富珍在会上指出,携手合作是战胜疫情的唯一选择。
62539 She said China's successful experience in containing the virus had boosted confidence in the international community and provided valuable lessons. 她说,中国的成功实践给全球抗疫增添了信心,贡献了智慧。
62540 Now, the entire global community should strengthen cooperation and unite together under the coordination of the WHO in order to overcome the current crisis, Chan said. 国际社会应在世界卫生组织指导协调下,进一步加强合作,携手克服当前危机。
62541 Chan also warned that indifference, inaction and any attempts to downplay the outbreak's severity will bring irreparable and disastrous consequences. 她还提醒说,任何侥幸观望的心态,任何淡化疫情、消极应对的做法,都会面临难以挽回的灾难性后果。
62542 "The virus that causes this pandemic is the most cunning one I've ever seen," she said. 她说:“造成这次疫情的新冠病毒,是我见过的最‘狡猾’的病毒。”
62543 By contrast, the Ebola virus is deadlier but cannot transmit easily, and the influenza virus spreads fast among people but its mortality rate is low. 相比之下,埃博拉病毒致死率非常高,传播力却很低;流感病毒传播力很高,致死率却很低。
62544 "The lethality of this new virus is more than ten times that of the virus that caused the H1N1 influenza outbreak in 2009. 她说:“新冠病毒的致死率是2009年H1N1流感的10倍。
62545 It has a long incubation period and induces asymptomatic infections, which means many regular containment measures won't work against it," Chan said. 病毒本身潜伏期长、可以无症状感染等特性,使得常规化的防控策略难以奏效。”
62546 In China, the most comprehensive, rigorous and thorough control measures have been taken nationwide, and the goal of leaving no patient unattended and providing free treatment has been fulfilled, according to Chan. 陈冯富珍表示,我国在全国范围内实施了最全面、最严格、最彻底的防控举措,做到应收尽收、免费救治,不抛弃不放弃每一位病患。