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62557 Across the world, robotics companies are teaming with health care providers and government officials to develop technological solutions for dealing with the global health crisis. 在世界各地,机器人公司正与医疗卫生机构和政府官员合作研发技术产品来应对这场全球健康危机。
62558 In China, robots with tank-like tread have rolled down streets spraying disinfectant. 在中国,像坦克一般滚动前行的机器人在街道上喷洒消毒水。
62559 In at least one hospital in South Korea, robots are being used to check patients' temperatures and dispense hand sanitizer. 在韩国的多家医院,机器人被用于检测病人的体温和分发洗手液。
62560 In Tunisia, authorities have deployed robots to ensure people are obeying the lockdown. 在突尼斯,政府部署了机器人以确保人们遵守隔离规定。
62561 In the United States, two of the principal ways in which robotic technology is being used to fight the pandemic are to disinfect hospital rooms and to act as a telemedicine portal, 在美国,机器人技术被用来抗击疫情的两个主要方式是给医院病房消毒和作为远程医疗平台,
62562 allowing doctors and health care workers to communicate via video conference directly with patients without unnecessarily exposing themselves to the highly contagious virus. 让医生和医护人员可以通过视频会议直接和病人交流,又可以避免接触到这种高传染性的病毒。
62563 In Boston, doctors, researchers and robotics engineers have teamed up to bring a friendly, dog-like robot named Spot into Brigham and Women's Hospital, allowing doctors to interact with COVID-19 patients via telemedicine. 在医生、研究人员和机器人工程师的合作下,友好的机器狗“斑点”进入了波士顿的布里格姆女子医院,让医生可以通过远程 医疗系统和新冠肺炎患者进行互动。
62564 In March, at the onset of the pandemic, a coalition from the hospital, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Spot's manufacturer, robotics firm Boston Dynamics, began developing and testing the robot's design to enable Spot to interact with patients, thus reducing the exposure of frontline health care workers to the virus. 今年三月疫情来袭时,该医院的联盟机构麻省理工学院和“斑点”的制造商波士顿动力机器人公司开始研发和测试这款机器人的 新功能,让“斑点”可以和病人互动,从而减少一线医护人员和 病毒的接触。
62565 Researchers are working to increase the robot's diagnostic abilities, enabling it to gauge the patient's temperature and measure his or her respiratory rate. 研究人员正致力于提高这款机器人的诊断能力,让其可以给病人量体温和呼吸频率。
62566 Chai predicts that hospitals will continue to find ways to use robots even after the coronavirus pandemic subsides, whether it be through delivering supplies to rooms or seeing patients with other contagious diseases. 柴博士预计,在疫情过去之后,医院也会继续探索使用机器人的方式,无论是让机器人运送物资到病房,还是为有其他传染病的患者诊治。