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62567 This week was very productive week, with all Member States agreeing a landmark resolution on COVID-19, and today we held our Executive Board. 本周是极有成效的一周,所有会员国就一项关于COVID-19的具有里程碑意义的决议达成了一致,今天我们又举行了执委会会议。 
62568 As the world passes 5 million recorded cases of COVID-19, we recognize the importance of building national unity and global solidarity to learn from each other and suppress the virus everywhere. 随着全世界COVID-19报告病例超过500万,我们认识到必须举国 团结一心和举世团结一致,相互学习借鉴,在世界各地遏制冠状病毒。 
62569 A key part of this week’s landmark resolution was that as well as fighting COVID-19, governments need to also ensure that essential health services are maintained. 本周通过的历史性决议的一项关键内容是,除了抗击COVID-19外,政府还需要确保维持基本卫生服务。 
62570 When health systems are overwhelmed, deaths from outbreaks and from preventable and treatable conditions increase dramatically.  当卫生系统不堪重负时,因疾病暴发和由可预防、可治疗的疾病造成的死亡人数将会急剧攀升。
62571 Maintaining people’s trust in the ability of health systems to provide essential services safely is crucial to ensure people continue to seek care when needed and follow public health advice.  使人们信任卫生系统安全提供基本服务的能力,对于确保民众在需要时继续寻求医护和遵从公共卫生建议至关重要。
62572 WHO has previously released guidance for maintaining these services during an outbreak. 世卫组织此前发布了在疫情期间维持这类服务的指导意见。
62573 In this context, I would like to thank Novo Nordisk for its donation of insulin and glucagon, which will help to support treatment for people with diabetes in 50 low- and middle-income countries. 诺和诺德公司捐赠了胰岛素和胰高血糖素,为50个低收入和中等收入国家的糖尿病患者治疗提供支持,我对此表示感谢。
62574 This is the first donation in WHO’s history of a medicine for a noncommunicable disease, and comes at a critical point.  这是世卫组织有史以来第一次,而且是在关键时刻,获得防治非传染性疾病的药物捐赠。 
62575 People with diabetes are vulnerable to developing severe disease from COVID-19 and struggle with the day-to-day problems of disrupted access to medication, equipment and health care. 糖尿病患者很容易因感染COVID-19而患严重疾病,并且经常面 临着药物、设备和医疗服务中断的困扰。
62576 Initiatives to secure the supply of essential diabetes medicines are very welcome and reinforce the multiple ways that the private sector can get involved in fostering global solidarity. 确保基本糖尿病药物供应的举措深受欢迎,它拓展了私营部门参与促进全球团结互助的多种方式。