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62587 The epidemic of misinformation has also harmed vaccination in recent years and we call on everyone to do more to prevent rumours and pseudo-science from undermining public health efforts that save millions of lives.  近年来,错误信息的流行也损害了疫苗接种。我们呼吁所有人都尽一份力量,防止谣言和伪科学破坏挽救成千上万人生命的公共卫生举措。 
62588 In June, the UK Government will host the Global Vaccine Summit and we ask world leaders to commit to fully funding Gavi for its lifesaving work. 今年6月,英国政府将主办全球疫苗峰会。我们吁请世界各国领导人承诺全力资助全球疫苗免疫联盟拯救生命的工作。
62589 WHO and Unicef have been working closely from the start of this outbreak to ensure essential supplies are reaching health workers, patients and children across the world. 自疫情暴发以来,世卫组织与儿童基金会一直在密切合作,确保世界各地的卫生工作者、患者和儿童都能获得必要的物资供应。 
62590 The World Health Organization (WHO) and UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency today signed a new agreement to strengthen and advance public health services for the millions of forcibly displaced people around the world. 世界卫生组织(世卫组织)和联合国难民署(难民署)今天签署了一项新协议,双方承诺加强和推进为全球数以百万计的被迫流离失所者提供公共卫生服务。
62591 The agreement updates and expands an existing 1997 agreement between the two organizations. 该协议更新并扩大了两个组织于1997年签署的协议。
62592 A key aim this year will be to support ongoing efforts to protect some 70 million forcibly displaced people from COVID-19. 今年的一项主要目标是支持目前为保护大约7000万被迫流离失所者免受COVID-19影响而做出的努力。
62593 Around 26 million of these are refugees, 80 per cent of whom are sheltered in low and middle-income countries with weak health systems. 在这些被迫流离失所者中,约有2600万难民,其中80%的难民被收容在卫生系统薄弱的低收入和中等收入国家中。
62594 Another 40 million internally displaced people also require assistance. 另有4000万境内流离失所者也需要获得援助。
62595 For more than 20 years, UNHCR and WHO have worked together worldwide to safeguard the health of some of the world’s most vulnerable populations. 20多年来,难民署和世卫组织在世界各地开展合作,努力维护世界上一些最弱势人群的健康。
62596 Today, the two organizations are working side by side to curb the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic and ensure that forcibly displaced people can access the health services they need, to keep safe from COVID-19 and other health challenges. 目前,我们两个组织并肩工作,努力遏制COVID-19大流行疫情的蔓延,并确保被迫流离失所者能够获得所需的卫生服务,以抗击COVID-19和克服其他健康挑战。