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62597 “UNHCR’s long-term partnership with WHO is critical to curb the coronavirus pandemic and other emergencies day in, day out, it is improving and saving lives of millions of people forced to flee their homes,” said UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Filippo Grandi. 联合国难民事务高级专员菲利普·格兰迪表示,“难民署与世卫组织的长期伙伴关系对于遏制冠状病毒大流行和其他突发事件至关重要。我们日复一日,改善和拯救数以百万计的被迫逃离家园者的生命。
62598 “Our strengthened partnership will directly benefit refugees, asylum seekers, internally displaced people, and those who are stateless. 加强我们的伙伴关系将直接惠及难民、寻求庇护者、境内流离失所者和无国籍者。
62599 It leads to better emergency response and will make the best use of the resources of both our two organizations for public health solutions across all our operations globally.” 这将带来更好的应急响应,并将最大限度地利用我们两个组织的资源,通过我们全球各项活动,解决公共卫生问题。”
62600 "The principle of solidarity and the goal of serving vulnerable people underpin the work of both our organizations," said Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO Director-General. " 世卫组织总干事谭德塞博士指出,“团结互助原则和为弱势人群 服务的目标是我们这两个组织工作的基础。
62601 We stand side by side in our commitment to protect the health of all people who have been forced to leave their homes and to ensure that they can obtain health services when and where they need them. 我们共同承诺保护所有被迫流离失所者的健康,并确保他们能够在需要的时候和需要的地点获得卫生服务。
62602 The ongoing pandemic only highlights the vital importance of working together so we can achieve more." 目前的大流行疫情凸显了合作的极端重要性。双方开展合作,就一定能取得更大的成就。”
62603 During Thursday’s signing UNHCR also joined the COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund. 在周四的签字仪式上,难民署还加入了COVID-19团结应对基金。
62604 The Fund was launched on 13 March and has so far raised $214m to date. 该基金于3月13日启动,迄今已筹集2.14亿美元。
62605 The Fund, first-of-its-kind, allows individuals, companies, and organizations all over the world to directly contribute to the global response being led by WHO to help countries prevent, detect and respond to COVID-19. 该基金独辟蹊径,世界各地的个人、公司和组织都可为其捐款,直接为世卫组织领导的全球应对行动做出贡献,帮助各国预防、发现和应对COVID-19。
62606 A $10 million contribution from the Solidarity Response Fund will support UNHCR’s work on urgent needs such as risk communication and community engagement around hygiene practices; 团结应对基金将为支持难民署满足紧急需求(例如通报风险和鼓励社区提倡个人良好卫生习惯)提供1000万美元;