ID 原文 译文
62657 对紧要关头当“逃兵”的干部要就地免职 to remove from their posts officials who abandon the frontline at critical moments
62658 对抗疫医务人员保护、关心、爱护 to provide full protection and care to medical workers fighting the epidemic
62659 对口支援 pairing assistance (a national strategy in China for one province or a major city to provide assistance to a designated region in need of help)
62660 遏制疫情蔓延 to contain the outbreak
62661 发挥医疗救助资金的兜底保障作用 to make full use of the medical assistance fund to ensure that medical bills (of COVID-19 patients) are paid promptly
62662 防控力量向社区下沉 to empower communities to prevent and control the spread of the coronavirus
62663 防控资源和力量下沉 to channel both material and human resources down to the community level
62664 防止大规模社区传播 to prevent the wide spread of the coronavirus in communities
62665 防止信息恐慌 to prevent “infodemic”
62666 分区分级精准防控 region-specific, multi-level targeted approach to epidemic prevention and control