ID 原文 译文
62677 缓解用工荒 to address labor shortage
62678 机场处置专区 processing area for inbound passengers at the airport
62679 及时回应社会关切 to provide timely responses to public concerns
62680 集中患者、集中专家、集中资源、集中救治 to treat the infected in dedicated facilities by medical specialists from all over the country and with all necessary resources
62681 加强领导能力、应对能力、组织动员能力、贯彻执行能力 to strengthen the ability to lead, respond, mobilize, and to execute orders
62682 减少外出 to make fewer trips outside
62683 健康筛查 health screening
62684 健康申报表 health declaration form
62685 接触者追踪 contact tracing
62686 解除医学观察 to be discharged from medical observation