ID 原文 译文
62737 疫情防控 epidemic prevention and control
62738 疫情防控国家重点医疗物资保障调度平台 national distribution center for major anti-epidemic medical supplies
62739 疫情防控预警预测机制 early warning and forecasting mechanism for epidemic prevention and control
62740 疫情监测 epidemic monitoring
62741 疫情信息发布依法做到公开、透明、及时、准确 The release of epidemic information must be open, transparent, timely and accurate as prescribed by the law.
62742 应收尽收 All suspected and confirmed patients should be admitted to the hospital.
62743 应治尽治 All confirmed patients should be treated.
62744 有效地填补供需缺口 to effectively fill the gap between supply and demand
62745 预防措施 preventive measures
62746 在斗争一线考察识别干部 to put officials to the test on the frontline