ID 原文 译文
62747 暂时隔离区域 area for temporary quarantine
62748 暂时停止外国人持目前有效来华签证和居留许可证入境 to temporarily suspend the entry into China of foreign nationals holding valid visas or residence permits
62749 暂停海外团队旅行 to suspend overseas group tours
62750 早发现、早报告、早诊断、早隔离、早治疗 early detection, reporting, diagnosis, isolation and treatment
62751 增强收治能力 to raise the hospital admission capacity
62752 掌握情况,不漏一人 to have full knowledge of the situation (of the community) and leave no one unchecked
62753 重大疫情防控体制机制 mechanism for major epidemic prevention and control
62754 重点防控部位人员的物资保障 to make sure that essential supplies can be rapidly directed to personnel in key posts
62755 注意下水道的通畅 to ensure that sewers are not clogged
62756 自觉接受医学观察 to present yourself to medical observation