ID 原文 译文
62767 春耕备耕 spring farming and preparation
62768 春季农业生产 spring-season agricultural activities
62769 春节返乡高峰 Spring Festival travel rush
62770 错峰上下班 staggered rush hour plan
62771 打击假冒伪劣 to crack down on fake and shoddy products
62772 打通人流、物流堵点 to smooth travel and logistics channels
62773 “点对点、一站式”直达运输服务 point-to-point transport services
62774 多渠道灵活就业 flexible employment through multiple channels
62775 多种方式扩大产能和增加产量 to expand capacity and increase output in a variety of ways
62776 返岗证明 health certificate for returning to work