ID 原文 译文
62787 共享员工 employee sharing
62788 候餐区 waiting area
62789 缓缴税款 deferment of taxes
62790 恢复生产生活秩序 to resume work and normal life
62791 激发正能量 to evoke positivity
62792 减负、稳岗、扩就业并举 to take multi-pronged measures, including reducing corporate burdens, keeping the payroll stable, and creating more jobs
62793 减免企业社会保险费 to reduce or remit corporate social insurance premiums
62794 减免小微企业贷款利息 to cut or cancel interest rates on loans to small and micro businesses
62795 减免养老、失业以及工伤这三项社会保险单位的缴费 to reduce or remit required premiums to be paid by employers for their employees’ old-age, unemployment and work-related injury insurances
62796 简化通关手续 to simplify procedures for customs clearance