ID 原文 译文
62797 建立健全防止返贫机制 to establish a sound mechanism to prevent any return to poverty/prevent any relapse into poverty
62798 健康码 health code
62799 健康申报 declaration of health status
62800 将疫情对经济社会发展的影响降到最低 to minimize the impact of the epidemic on social and economic development
62801 阶段性、有针对性的减税降费政策 phased and targeted tax and fee breaks
62802 结账区 cashier desk
62803 解决好贫困地区农畜产品卖难问题 to help farmers in poor areas solve difficulties in selling their produce and livestock
62804 解决好生活必需品供应的“最后一公里”问题 to ensure the “last kilometer” delivery of daily necessities
62805 紧平衡 in tight balance
62806 禁止面对面就餐 Diners are not allowed to sit face to face.