ID 原文 译文
62807 精准对接劳务输出地和输入地 to accurately connect both ends of labor transfer
62808 就业优先政策 pro-employment policies
62809 居家办公 to work from home
62810 客座率 passenger load factor (PLF)
62811 口罩预约 mask reservation and purchase
62812 扩大地方政府专项债券发行规模 to scale up the issuance of special bonds by local governments
62813 两年户口和档案托管 Universities will keep residential files and personal records of new graduates for two years until they find work.
62814 灵活复工 to apply a flexible approach to the resumption of work
62815 绿码 green (health) code
62816 绿色通道 green channel; fast transport channel