ID 原文 译文
62847 武汉市以外地区解除离鄂通道管控 Areas in Hubei, with the exception of Wuhan City, lifted outbound transport restrictions.
62848 务工人员安全返岗 Migrant workers return to their posts in security.
62849 线上登记失业和申领失业保险金 online registration of unemployment and application for unemployment security insurance
62850 线上职业技能培训 online vocational training
62851 消毒机器人 disinfecting robot
62852 严厉打击涉疫违法犯罪 to take firm action against epidemic-related crimes
62853 一客一用一消毒 disinfection after each serving
62854 一米线 one meter spacing in line (to wait in line at an interval of 1 meter)
62855 因地因企因人分类帮扶 to provide assistance specifically designed to suit different regions, enterprises and people
62856 用足用好合规的外贸政策工具 to make full and best use of foreign trade policy tools