ID 原文 译文
62857 优惠帮扶举措 preferential support measures
62858 优先通行、免费通行 priority and toll-free access
62859 优先吸纳贫困劳动力务工就业 to prioritize the employment of poor migrant workers
62860 有序复工 to resume production in an orderly manner
62861 预算内投资结构 structure of investment from the government budget
62862 预约进站 to make reservations at subway stations
62863 员工健康监测和报告 employee health monitoring and reporting
62864 援企、稳岗、扩就业 to assist businesses, stabilize employment, and create more jobs
62866 云办公软件 cloud-based office tools
62867 云选会 cloud job fair