ID 原文 译文
62868 在全社会弘扬真善美 to promote high moral standards throughout society
62869 在线教育 online education
62870 在线直播 live streaming
62871 中国经济韧性强劲,内需空间广阔,产业基础雄厚 China’s economy enjoys strong resilience, broad space for domestic demand, and a solid industrial foundation.
62872 昼夜不停的施工进度 around-the-clock construction
62873 助农 to support farmers and agriculture
62874 哀悼抗击肺炎疫情牺牲烈士和逝世同胞 to mourn martyrs who died in the fight against COVID-19 and compatriots who died of the disease
62875 低、中、高风险地区 low-, medium-, high-risk regions
62876 抵制任何与病毒相关的污名 to reject any stigma associated with the virus
62877 妨害国境卫生检疫罪 crime of jeopardizing border quarantine security