ID 原文 译文
62958 检测样本 test sample
62959 紧急救治 emergency treatment
62960 抗病毒治疗 antiviral therapy
62961 抗生素治疗 antibiotic therapy
62962 数字医疗服务 digital medical services
62963 四抗二平衡:“四抗”,第一是抗病毒;第二是抗休克;第三是抗低氧血症;第四是抗继发感染。 combined use of anti-viral, anti-shock, anti-hypoxemia medication, and measures to prevent secondary infections
62964 “二平衡”,即维持水电解质、酸碱平衡以及维持微生态平衡。 to maintain the water and electrolyte balance, acid-base balance and microecological balance
62965 随访和复诊 follow-up and subsequent visits
62966 体温检测 to take/check body temperature
62967 外科处置 surgical treatment