ID 原文 译文
63150 加强国家间政策协调 to enhance policy coordination between countries
63151 减免关税、取消壁垒、畅通贸易 to cut tariffs, remove barriers, and facilitate the flow of trade
63152 建立新冠肺炎疫情防控网上知识中心,向所有国家开放 to set up an online COVID-19 knowledge center that is open to all countries
63153 健康丝绸之路 Silk Road of Health
63154 尽力阻止疫情跨境传播 to prevent the epidemic from spreading across borders; to minimize cross-border spread
63155 开展国际联防联控 to make a collective response for control and treatment at the international level
63156 控制疫情永远不会太晚 It is never too late to get the pandemic under control.
63157 凝聚起战胜疫情的强大合力 to form strong synergies to beat the pandemic
63158 派出医疗小组协助抗疫 to send medical teams to help combat the coronavirus
63159 区域公共卫生应急联络机制 regional emergency liaison mechanisms