ID 原文 译文
63160 全球公共卫生安全 global public health security
63161 全球公共卫生高级别会议 high-level meeting on international public health security
63162 全球公共卫生治理 global public health governance
63163 深化疫情防控国际合作 deeper international cooperation on epidemic prevention and control/containment measures
63164 守望相助、同舟共济 to support each other; to stand closely together in difficult times
63165 推广全面系统有效的防控指南 to promote control and treatment protocols that are comprehensive, systematic and effective
63166 以电话、信函、声明等方式表示慰问和支持 to express sympathy and support by telephone, letter or statement
63167 迎难而上,勇敢应对 to rise up to the challenge and respond to it bravely
63168 有效阻止疫情在全球蔓延 to contain the global spread of the virus
63169 有序安全的国际人员流动 orderly and safe flow of people between countries